2. Installation

⚙️ Prerequisites

Make sure to have the following installed in your OS:

🚀 Quick start

If you do not consider yourself a developer who is working, contributing or tweaking your own instance of the platform, the fastest way to access the platform would be to simply navigate to the latest instance available at applications.linkedpipes.com.

If you do, the consequite sections will guide you through all possible installation scenarious.

Running locally

The most basic and simply option to start the platform locally is to run these commands:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linkedpipes/applications/master/lpa-cli.sh -o lpa-cli.sh && ./lpa-cli.sh --production-no-cloning

After starting all containers, simply navigate to localhost:9001 in your preferred browser.

Please note, this doesn’t require cloning the project’s repository. However, make sure to have latest versions of docker and docker-compose available on your system.

Cloning the repository

If you want to have access to more advanced docker-compose startup configurations, make sure to clone the repository project first.

$ git clone https://github.com/linkedpipes/applications
$ cd ./applications

Once you navigate into the root folder of cloned repository, refer to the lpa-cli.sh commands description to get access to all possible docker-compose configurations to start the platform locally:

usage: ./lpa-cli.sh [-dc]|[--detailed-command]
-d   | --development                  Start non persistent development setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-dp  | --development-persistent       Start non persistend development setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-p   | --production                   Start persistend production setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-pnc | --production-no-cloning        Start persistend production setup [NO CLONING REQUIRED ;-)]
-cs  | --clean-storage                Remove 'appdata' and 'data' folders with database data and etc
-sc  | --stop-compose                 Setup whatever configuration setup is currently running
-h   | --help                         Print help documentation

You can also investigate the commands inside the lpa-cli.sh script for more details. The script itself is essentially a very simple wrapper around various docker-compose related commands.

Default ports

Regardless of whether you cloned repository or used the no-cloning option, once you have started the instance of the platform in docker-compose, individual components will be accessible on the following ports by default:

Frontend of LPA at localhost:9001
Backend of LPA at localhost:9005
Discovery at localhost:9000
ETL at localhost:8080
Virtuoso at localhost:8890